Malaria is endemic in Nigeria. It is a disease caused by plasmodium parasite, transmitted by the bite of infected mosquitoes.
The severity of malaria varies based on the species of plasmodium, the age of the patient and a history of previous exposure.
In China Malaria was endemic for thousands of years, and they accumulated a lot of experience on its treatment and prevention. Artemisinin was discovered by a Chinese scientist called Tu Yoyo in 1972, through the study of Chinese traditional medicine books written around 341AD by Ancient Chinese doctor called Ge Hong. This helped China and many other countries to eradicate malaria. This contribution to Medicine helped the Chinese scientist win a Nobel prize in 2016.
Another Chinese doctor Sun Si Miao(541AD – 682AD) developed an effective way to prevent malaria by boosting the immunity through Moxibustion. The moxibustion is done at an acu – point called Zu San Li, located on the leg, just 3 inches below the knee.
The moxibustion gives a micro wound at a special point. This acu – point is special in the sense that no other point on the human body can elicit the same immune response. In an attempt by the body to heal the wound, it produces a lot of immune cells including Lymphocytes. The major function of lymphocytes is to produce antibodies and the antibodies can protect against Malaria, Typhoid, Flu and a myriad of other infections.
In the course of our practice, we have observed a drop in lymphocyte count among patients who have malaria. The normal lymphocyte count is 0.8 – 4.0 (x 109 /L) in adults. Most patients with malaria have a range of 0.3 – 0.6(x 109 /L). From the values above, there is an obvious relationship between Lymphocyte count and malaria.
Moxibustion can indirectly increase the lymphocyte count, and this may explain how it helps to prevent Malaria. This knowledge was unknown to the Chinese doctor 1336 years ago, however the practice has endured and has spread to Africa through Dr. Andy Yuan at EWH, Abuja.
Some of our patients complain of repeated episodes of malaria, some as many as eight times a year. After our therapy, the have a drastic reduction to as low as three times a year. Some others have persistent malaria for up to 3 months and they got rid of malaria entirely following our therapy.
The scientist Tu Yoyo once said that Chinese Traditional Medicine is a Gift to the world. We have brought this gift to Nigeria to help reduce and prevent malaria.